Market Best Calling Rates

We Cover entire earth

Destination Name Price in USD
Afghanistan 0.2571
Afghanistan Mobile 0.2875
albania 0.1695
albania Mobile 0.4395
Algeria 0.0769
Algeria Cellular-Ooredoo 0.5287
Algeria Cellular 0.5287
Algeria Cellular-Djezzy 0.5287
Algeria Cellular 0.5287
American Samoa 0.0885
American Samoa Cellular 0.0885
American Samoa Cellular 0.0885
Andorra 0.0465
Andorra Cellular 0.2255
Andorra Cellular 0.2255
Andorra Cellular 0.2255
Andorra Cellular 0.2255
Angola 0.2982
Angola Cellular 0.6974
Anguilla 0.3525
Anguilla Cellular 0.3725
Anguilla Cellular 0.3725
Anguilla Cellular 0.3725
Anguilla Cellular 0.3725
Antigua Barbuda 0.1985
Antigua Barbuda Cellular 0.2769
Antigua Barbuda Cellular 0.2769
Argentina 0.0315
Argentina Cellular 0.2945
Argentina Cellular-Buenos Aires 0.2945
Armenia 0.2247
Armenia Cellular 0.2517
Armenia Cellular 0.2517
Armenia Cellular 0.2517
Aruba 0.1072
Aruba Cellular 0.2379
Aruba Cellular 0.2379
Aruba Cellular 0.2379
Aruba Cellular-Digicel 0.2379
Australia 0.0215
Australia Cellular 0.0695
Australia Cellular-Satellite 0.0755
Austria 0.1595
Austria Mobile 0.3455
Azerbaijan 0.2103
Azerbaijan Cellular 0.3259
Azerbaijan Cellular 0.3259
Azerbaijan Cellular-Azercell 0.3259
Azerbaijan Cellular-Azercell 0.3259
Azerbaijan Cellular-Azerphone 0.3259
Azerbaijan Cellular-Azerphone 0.3259
Azerbaijan Cellular-Bakcell 0.3259
Azerbaijan Cellular-Catel 0.3259
Bahamas 0.1985
Bahamas Cellular 0.1985
Bahamas Cellular 0.1985
Bahamas Cellular 0.1985
Bahamas Cellular 0.1985
Bahamas Cellular 0.1985
Bahrain 0.1265
Bahrain Cellular 0.1565
Bahrain Cellular 0.1565
Bahrain Cellular 0.1565
Bangladesh 0.0325
Bangladesh Cellular 0.0325
Bangladesh Cellular-Aktel 0.0325
Bangladesh Cellular-City 0.0325
Bangladesh Cellular-Grameen 0.0325
Bangladesh Cellular-Sheba 0.0325
Bangladesh Chittagong 0.0325
Bangladesh Dhaka 0.0325
Bangladesh Sylhet 0.0325
Barbados 0.2925
Barbados Cellular 0.2945
Barbados Cellular 0.2945
Belarus 0.6950
Belarus Cellular 0.6950
Belarus Cellular 0.6950
Belarus Cellular 0.6950
Belarus Minsk 0.6950
Belgium 0.1095
Belgium Cellular 0.3925
Belgium Cellular 0.3925
Belgium Cellular 0.3925
Belgium Cellular 0.3925
Belize 0.2449
Belize Cellular 0.2464
Benin 0.3155
Benin Cellular 0.3525
Benin Cellular 0.3525
Bermuda 0.0445
Bermuda Cellular 0.0445
Bermuda Cellular 0.0445
Bermuda Cellular 0.0445
Bhutan 0.1119
Bhutan Cellular 0.1119
Bhutan Cellular 0.1119
Bhutan Cellular 0.1119
Bolivia 0.1525
Bolivia Cellular 0.1945
Bolivia Cellular 0.1945
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.1645
Bosnia and Herzegovina Cellular 0.3975
Botswana 0.2822
Botswana Cellular 0.3525
Brazil 0.0295
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
Brazil Cellular 0.1225
British Virgin Islands 0.2146
British Virgin Islands Cellular 0.2725
British Virgin Islands Cellular 0.2725
British Virgin Islands Cellular 0.2725
British Virgin Islands Cellular 0.2725
British Virgin Islands Cellular 0.2725
Brunei 0.0887
Brunei Cellular 0.0813
Brunei Cellular 0.0813
Brunei Cellular 0.0813
Brunei Cellular 0.0813
Bulgaria 0.0965
Bulgaria Cellular 0.3825
Bulgaria Cellular 0.3825
Bulgaria Cellular 0.3825
Bulgaria Cellular 0.3825
Burkina Faso 0.3283
Burkina Faso Cellular 0.3825
Burkina Faso Cellular 0.3825
Cambodia 0.0775
Cambodia Cellular 0.0795
Cambodia Cellular 0.0795
Cambodia Cellular 0.0795
Cambodia Cellular 0.0795
Cambodia Cellular 0.0795
Cameroon 0.1486
Cameroon Cellular 0.3965
Cameroon Cellular 0.3965
Cameroon Cellular 0.3965
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada 0.0225
Canada Yukon 0.1523
Cape Verde Islands 0.1979
Cape Verde Islands Cellular 0.3114
Cape Verde Islands Cellular 0.3114
Cape Verde Islands Cellular 0.3114
Cape Verde Islands Cellular 0.3114
Cayman Islands 0.1290
Cayman Islands Cellular 0.2208
Cayman Islands Cellular 0.2208
Cayman Islands Cellular 0.2208
Cayman Islands Cellular 0.2208
Cayman Islands Cellular 0.2208
Central African Republic 0.3900
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Central African Republic Cellular 0.3989
Chad 0.5730
Chad Cellular 0.5730
Chad Cellular 0.5730
Chad Cellular 0.5730
Chad Cellular-Celtel 0.5730
Chad Cellular-Celtel 0.5730
Chad Cellular-Millicom 0.5730
Chad Cellular-Millicom 0.5730
Chile 0.0350
Chile Cellular 0.0725
Chile Santiago 0.0345
China 0.8500
China Cellular 0.8500
Colombia 0.0435
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Colombia Cellular 0.0415
Comoros 0.4350
Comoros Cellular 0.5491
Congo 0.4565
Congo Cellular 0.7825
Congo Cellular 0.7825
Congo Cellular 0.7825
Congo Cellular 0.7825
Congo Cellular 0.7825
Costa Rica 0.0295
Costa Rica Cellular 0.1020
Costa Rica Cellular-Claro 0.1020
Costa Rica Cellular-Ice 0.1020
Costa Rica Cellular-Movistar 0.1020
Croatia 0.1470
Croatia Cellular 0.4000
Cuba 0.7500
Cuba Cellular 0.7500
Cuba Guantanamo Bay 0.7500
Cyprus 0.1595
Cyprus Cellular 0.1925
Cyprus Special 0.2475
Cyprus Voicemail 0.0925
Czech Republic 0.0975
Czech Republic Cellular 0.1250
Czech Republic Cellular 0.1250
Czech Republic Cellular 0.1250
Czech Republic Prague 0.0975
Czech Republic Premium 0.1290
Dem Rep Congo (Zaire) 0.6400
Dem Rep Congo (Zaire) Cellular-Afritel 0.6500
Dem Rep Congo (Zaire) Cellular-CCT 0.6500
Dem Rep Congo (Zaire) Cellular-Zain 0.6500
Dem Rep Congo (Zaire) Kinshasa 0.6900
Denmark 0.0195
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Denmark Cellular 0.0415
Djibouti 0.3800
Djibouti Cellular 0.3800
Dominica 0.1857
Dominica Cellular 0.2969
Dominica Cellular 0.2969
Dominica Cellular 0.2969
Dominica Cellular 0.2969
Dominican Republic 0.0378
Dominican Republic 0.0378
Dominican Republic 0.0378
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
Dominican Republic Cellular 0.0994
East Timor 1.2941
Ecuador 0.1256
Ecuador Cellular 0.2637
Ecuador Cellular 0.2637
Ecuador Cellular 0.2637
Ecuador Cellular-Movistar 0.2284
Ecuador Cellular-Movistar 0.2284
Ecuador Cellular-Movistar 0.2284
Ecuador Cellular-Porta 0.2509
Ecuador Cellular-Porta 0.2509
Ecuador Andinatel 0.1217
Ecuador Andinatel 0.1217
Ecuador Cuenca 0.1187
Ecuador Cuenca 0.1187
Ecuador Guayaquil 0.1195
Ecuador Pacifictel 0.1232
Ecuador Portoviejo 0.1268
Ecuador Quito 0.1232
Ecuador Setel 0.0891
Ecuador Setel 0.0891
Ecuador Setel 0.0891
Ecuador Setel 0.0891
Ecuador Setel 0.0891
Ecuador Setel 0.0891
Egypt 0.1095
Egypt Cellular 0.1455
Egypt Cellular 0.1455
Egypt Cellular 0.1455
Egypt Cellular 0.1455
Egypt Cellular-Etisalat 0.1425
Egypt Cellular-Etisalat 0.1425
Egypt Cellular-Etisalat 0.1425
Egypt Cellular-Etisalat 0.1425
Egypt Cellular-Mobinil 0.1455
Egypt Cellular-Mobinil 0.1455
Egypt Cellular-Mobinil 0.1455
Egypt Cellular-Mobinil 0.1455
Egypt Alexandria 0.1055
Egypt Cairo 0.1050
El Salvador 0.2443
El Salvador Cellular 0.2725
El Salvador Cellular 0.2725
El Salvador Cellular 0.2725
Equatorial Guinea 0.3955
Equatorial Guinea Cellular 0.3900
Equatorial Guinea Cellular 0.3900
Equatorial Guinea Cellular 0.3900
Equatorial Guinea Cellular 0.3900
Eritrea 0.3554
Eritrea Cellular 0.3554
Estonia 1.0305
Estonia Cellular 0.4568
Estonia Cellular-Top Connect 0.4568
Estonia Premium 0.8222
Estonia Premium 0.8222
Ethiopia 0.2933
Ethiopia Cellular 0.2926
Faeroe Islands 0.2132
Faeroe Islands Cellular 0.2625
Faeroe Islands Cellular 0.2625
Faeroe Islands Cellular 0.2625
Falkland Islands 2.1315
Fiji Islands 0.2594
Fiji Cellular 0.2594
Fiji Cellular 0.2594
Fiji Cellular 0.2594
Finland 0.5563
Finland Cellular 0.5725
Finland Cellular-Vodafone 0.5725
Finland Premium 0.5845
Finland Premium 0.5845
Finland Premium 0.5845
Finland Premium 0.5845
Finland Premium 0.5845
Finland Premium 0.5845
Finland Premium 0.5845
France 0.0195
France Cellular 0.1075
France Cellular 0.1075
France Cellular-Others 0.1075
France Cellular-Others 0.1075
France Premium-VAS 0.4500
French Guiana 1.0632
French Guiana-Cellular 0.2486
French Polynesia 0.2811
French Polynesia Cellular 0.3989
French Polynesia Cellular 0.3989
French Polynesia Cellular 0.3989
French Polynesia Cellular 0.3989
Gabon Republic 0.7600
Gabon Republic Cellular 0.6800
Gabon Republic Cellular Libertis 0.6800
Gabon Republic Cellular Libertis 0.6800
Gabon Republic Cellular-Azur 0.6800
Gabon Republic Cellular-Moov 0.6800
Gabon Republic Cellular-Zain 0.6800
Gabon Republic Cellular-Zain 0.6800
Gambia 0.5586
Gambia Cellular 0.5601
Gambia Cellular - Qcell 0.5601
Gambia Cellular-Africel 0.5601
Gambia Cellular-Africel 0.5601
Gambia Cellular-Comium 0.5601
Gambia Cellular-Gamcel 0.5601
Georgia 0.1769
Georgia Cellular 0.3215
Georgia Cellular 0.3215
Georgia Cellular 0.3215
Germany 0.5975
Germany Cellular 0.5975
Germany Cellular 0.5975
Germany Cellular 0.59755
Germany Cellular 0.5975
Germany Cellular 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Eplus 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Eplus 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Eplus 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Eplus 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Eplus 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Lycamobile 0.5975
Germany Cellular-O2 0.5975
Germany Cellular-O2 0.5975
Germany Cellular-O2 0.5975/td>
Germany Cellular-TMobile 0.5975
Germany Cellular-TMobile 0.5975
Germany Cellular-TMobile 0.5975
Germany Cellular-TMobile 0.5975
Germany Cellular-TMobile 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Vodafone 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Vodafone 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Vodafone 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Vodafone 0.5975
Germany Cellular-Vodafone 0.5975
Germany Premium 1.5225
Germany Premium 1.5225
Germany Premium 1.5225
Germany Berlin 0.5975
Germany Dusseldorf 0.5975
Germany Frankfurt 0.5975
Germany Hamburg 0.5975
Germany National Access Voip 0.5975
Ghana 0.2472
Ghana Cellular 0.2800
Ghana Cellular-MTN 0.2800
Ghana Accra 0.2800
Gibraltar 0.0920
Gibraltar Cellular 0.2780
Gibraltar Cellular 0.2780
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS) 1.5225
Greece 0.0495
Greece Cellular 0.0955
Greece Cellular-Cosmote 0.0955
Greece Cellular-Cosmote 0.0955
Greece Cellular-Vodafone 0.0955
Greece Cellular-Vodafone 0.0955
Greece Cellular-WIND Hellas 0.0955
Greece Cellular-WIND Hellas 0.0955
Greece Cellular-WIND Hellas 0.0955
Greenland 0.6090
Greenland Cellular 0.6851
Greenland Cellular 0.6851
Greenland Cellular 0.6851
Grenada 0.2125
Grenada Cellular 0.2934
Grenada Cellular 0.2934
Guadeloupe 0.0295
Guadeloupe Cellular 0.0801
Guam 0.0261
Guatemala 0.1812
Guatemala - Telgua 0.0844
Guatemala - Telgua 0.0844
Guatemala - Telgua 0.0844
Guatemala Cellular 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Comcel 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-PCS-Sercom 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-PCS-Sercom 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-PCS-Sercom 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-PCS-Sercom 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-PCS-Sercom 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-PCS-Sercom 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Cellular-Telefonica 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Atel 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Atel 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Atel 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Atel 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Atel 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala Rural-Cablenet 0.1942
Guatemala-Other 0.1942
Guatemala-Other 0.1942
Guatemala-Other 0.1942
Guatemala-Other 0.1942
Guinea 0.7613
Guinea Bissau 0.7200
Guyana 0.2873
Guyana Cellular 0.2873
Guyana Cellular 0.2873
Guyana Cellular 0.2873
Guyana Cellular 0.2873
Guyana Cellular 0.2873
Guyana Cellular 0.2873
Guyana Cellular-Digicel 0.1325
Guyana Cellular-Digicel 0.1325
Guyana Cellular-Digicel 0.1325
Guyana Cellular-Digicel 0.1325
Guyana Cellular-Digicel 0.1325
Guyana Georgetown 0.2873
Haiti 0.3502
Haiti Cellular 0.3815
Haiti Cellular 0.3815
Haiti Cellular 0.3815
Haiti Cellular-Digicel 0.3815
Haiti Cellular-Digicel 0.3815
Haiti Cellular-Digicel 0.3815
Haiti Cellular-Digicel 0.3815
Haiti Cellular-Digicel 0.3815
Haiti Cellular-Digicel 0.3815
Haiti Cellular-Haitel 0.3815
Honduras 0.1305
Honduras Cellular 0.2080
Honduras Cellular 0.2080
Honduras Cellular 0.2080
Honduras Cellular 0.2080
Honduras Hondutel 0.2080
Honduras Hondutel 0.2080
Honduras Hondutel 0.2080
Honduras Hondutel 0.2080
Honduras Hondutel 0.2080
Hong Kong 0.0915
Hong Kong Cellular 0.0955
Hong Kong Cellular 0.0955
Hong Kong Cellular 0.0955
Hong Kong Cellular 0.0955
Hungary 0.0833
Hungary Cellular-T-Mobile 0.0985
Hungary Cellular-Telenor 0.0985
Hungary Cellular-Tesco 0.0985
Hungary Cellular-Vodafone 0.0985
Iceland 0.0244
Iceland Cellular 0.0375
Iceland Cellular 0.0375
Iceland Cellular 0.0375
Iceland Cellular 0.0375
Iceland Cellular 0.0375
Iceland Cellular 0.0375
India 0.0265
India Cellular 0.0245
India Cellular 0.0245
India Cellular 0.0245
India Cellular 0.0245
Indonesia 0.0795
Indonesia Cellular 0.0715
Indonesia Jakarta 0.0775
Indonesia Surabaya 0.0775
Iran 0.2825
Iran Cellular 0.2715
Iran Tehran 0.2825
Iraq 0.1553
Iraq Cellular 0.2325
Ireland 0.6139
Ireland Cellular 3.3806
Ireland Cellular Meteor 3.0635
Ireland Cellular O2 3.0635
Ireland Cellular-H3G 3.0635
Ireland Cellular-Vodafone 3.0635
Ireland Dublin 0.6136
Israel 0.0155
Israel Cellular 0.0315
Israel Cellular 0.0315
Israel Cellular-Other 0.0315
Israel Cellular-Other 0.0315
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas 0.1925
Israel-Palestinian Areas Cellular 0.2815
Israel-Palestinian Areas Cellular 0.2815
Israel-Palestinian Areas Cellular 0.2815
Israel-Palestinian Areas Cellular 0.2815
Israel-spec 0.0325
Italy 0.0145
Italy Cellular 0.4615
Italy Cellular-H3G 0.2958
Italy Cellular-H3G 0.2958
Italy Cellular-Intermatica 0.3425
Italy Cellular-Tim 0.1245
Italy Cellular-Tim 0.1245
Italy Cellular-Tim 0.1245
Italy Cellular-Vodafone 0.1245
Italy Cellular-Vodafone 0.1245
Italy Cellular-Vodafone 0.1245
Italy Cellular-Wind 0.1245
Italy Cellular-Wind 0.1245
Ivory Coast 0.3882
Ivory Coast Cellular 0.3806
Ivory Coast Cellular 0.3806
Ivory Coast Cellular 0.3806
Ivory Coast Cellular 0.3806
Ivory Coast Cellular 0.3806
Ivory Coast Cellular 0.3806
Jamaica 0.2315
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Jamaica Cellular 0.2375
Japan 0.0315
Japan Cellular 0.0975
Japan Cellular 0.0975
Japan Cellular 0.0975
Jordan 0.1815
Jordan Cellular 0.1975
Kazakhstan 0.0342
Kazakhstan Cellular-Altel 0.1218
Kazakhstan Cellular-K-Cell 0.2548
Kazakhstan Cellular-K-Cell 0.2548
Kazakhstan Cellular-K-Cell 0.2548
Kazakhstan Cellular-K-Cell 0.2548
Kazakhstan Cellular-Kartel 0.2517
Kazakhstan Cellular-Kartel 0.2517
Kazakhstan Cellular-Kartel 0.2517
Kazakhstan Cellular-Kartel 0.2517
Kazakhstan Cellular-NEO 0.1218
Kazakhstan Cellular-NEO 0.1218
Kazakhstan Almati 0.0174
Kazakhstan Almati 0.0174
Kazakhstan Astana 0.0244
Kazakhstan Karaganda 0.0209
Kazakhstan Leased Net 1.2180
Kazakhstan Leased Net 1.2180
Kazakhstan Leased Net 1.2180
Kazakhstan Leased Net 1.2180
Kenya 0.1895
Kenya Cellular 0.2325
Kenya Nairobi-Premium Services 0.7613
Kiribati 2.0658
Kosovo 0.1936
Kosovo 0.1936
Kosovo 0.1936
Kosovo 0.1936
Kuwait 0.0725
Kuwait Cellular 0.0815
Kuwait Cellular - Viva 0.0815
Kuwait Cellular-Vodafone 0.0815
Kyrgyzstan 0.1629
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Ak-Tel 0.1797
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Katel 0.1599
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Megacom 0.1523
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Nur Telecom 0.2517
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Sky 0.1797
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Sky 0.1797
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Sotel 0.1142
Kyrgyzstan Cellular-Winline 0.1781
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 0.1309
Laos 0.0875
Laos Cellular 0.0875
Latvia 0.7500
Latvia Cellular 0.7500
Lebanon 0.1425
Lebanon Cellular 0.2225
Lesotho 0.3728
Lesotho Cellular-Econet 0.3928
Lesotho Cellular-Others 0.7613
Lesotho Cellular-Vodacom 0.1637
Liberia 0.4785
Liberia Cellular-Cellcom 0.4554
Liberia Cellular-Comium 0.4622
Liberia Cellular-Libercell 0.4988
Liberia Cellular-MTN 0.4644
Liberia Cellular-MTN 0.4644
Liberia Cellular-Telelinks 0.5709
Libya 0.2581
Libya Cellular 0.3596
Liechtenstein 0.1140
Liechtenstein Cellular 0.3200
Liechtenstein Cellular 0.3200
Liechtenstein Cellular 0.3200
Liechtenstein Cellular 0.3200
Lithuania 0.7500
Lithuania Cellular 0.7500
Luxembourg 0.2895
Luxembourg Cellular 0.2895
Macau 0.0975
Macau Cellular 0.0975
Macedonia 0.1755
Macedonia Cellular 0.4425
Madagascar 0.7156
Madagascar Cellular 0.6532
Madagascar Gulfsat 1.1267
Malawi 0.3825
Malawi Cellular 0.3975
Malawi Cellular-Celtel 0.3975
Malaysia 0.0550
Malaysia Cellular 0.0395
Maldives 1.0049
Maldives Cellular 1.0049
Maldives Cellular-Wataniya 1.0049
Mali 0.2875
Mali Cellular 0.3875
Mali Cellular 0.3875
Mali Cellular 0.3875
Mali Cellular 0.3875
Malta 0.0172
Malta Cellular 0.0475
Malta Cellular 0.0475
Marshall Islands 0.3350
Martinique (French Antilles) 0.0270
Martinique (French Antilles) Cellular 0.0601
Mauritania 0.5975
Mauritania Cellular 0.5975
Mauritania Cellular 0.5975
Mauritania Cellular 0.5975
Mauritania Cellular 0.5975
Mauritania Cellular 0.5975
Mauritius 0.3225
Mauritius Cellular 0.3225
Mexico 0.0125
Mexico Cellular 0.0295
Micronesia 0.5786
Moldova 0.3725
Moldova Cellular 0.3415
Moldova Cellular 0.3415
Monaco 1.0919
Monaco Cellular 0.5446
Monaco Cellular 0.5446
Monaco Cellular-Kosovo 0.5446
Monaco Cellular-Kosovo 0.5446
Mongolia 0.0459
Mongolia Cellular 0.0459
Mongolia Cellular 0.0459
Mongolia Cellular 0.0459
Montenegro 0.1628
Montenegro Cellular 0.4757
Montserrat 0.2969
Montserrat Cellular 0.2969
Montserrat Cellular 0.2969
Morocco 1.0228
Morocco Cellular 0.5750
Morocco Cellular 0.5750
Mozambique 0.0775
Mozambique Cellular 0.3425
Myanmar (Burma) 0.1925
Myanmar (Burma) Cellular 0.2915
Namibia 0.1215
Namibia Cellular 0.1125
Namibia Cellular 0.1125
Namibia Cellular 0.1125
Nauru 1.1114
Nauru Cellular 1.1114
Nepal 0.1815
Nepal Cellular 0.1955
Netherlands 0.2825
Netherlands Cellular 0.2825
Netherlands Antilles 0.1525
Netherlands Antilles Cellular 0.1525
Netherlands Antilles Cellular 0.1525
Netherlands Antilles Cellular 0.1525
Netherlands Antilles Cellular 0.1525
Netherlands Antilles Cellular 0.1525
New Caledonia 0.2394
New Zealand 0.0225
New Zealand Cellular 0.0485
Nicaragua 0.1576
Nicaragua Cellular 0.3225
Nicaragua Cellular 0.3225
Nicaragua Cellular 0.3225
Niger 0.3879
Niger Cellular 0.4042
Niger Cellular 0.4042
Niger Premium 2.2838
Niger Premium 2.2838
Niger Premium 2.2838
Niger Premium 2.2838
Niger Premium 2.2838
Nigeria 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Nigeria Cellular 0.1975
Niue 0.4834
No. Mariana Islands 0.0404
North Korea 0.8374
Norway 0.0195
Norway Cellular 0.0425
Norway Cellular 0.0425
Norway Cellular 0.0425
Norway Premium 0.4525
Norway Premium 0.4525
Norway Premium 0.4525
Oman 0.3905
Oman Cellular 0.3615
Pakistan 0.0725
Pakistan Cellular 0.0725
Palau 0.3425
Palau Cellular 0.5265
Palestinian Authority 0.1918
Palestinian Authority Cellular 0.2223
Palestinian Authority Cellular 0.2223
Palestinian Authority Cellular 0.2223
Panama 0.0525
Panama Cellular 0.1705
Panama Cellular 0.1545
Papua New Guinea 0.7384
Papua New Guinea Cellular 0.7613
Paraguay 0.0415
Paraguay Cellular 0.0875
Peru 0.0215
Peru Cellular 0.0235
Peru Cellular 0.0685
Peru Cellular 0.0685
Peru Cellular 0.0685
Peru Cellular 0.0685
Peru Cellular 0.0685
Peru Cellular 0.0685
Peru Lima-Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Peru Rural 0.4455
Philippines 0.1655
Philippines Cellular 0.2225
Philippines Cellular-Globe 0.2225
Poland 0.0185
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Poland Cellular 0.1825
Portugal 0.0572
Portugal Cellular 0.5525
Portugal Cellular 0.5525
Portugal Cellular 0.5525
Puerto Rico 0.0255
Puerto Rico 0.0255
Qatar 0.1888
Qatar Cellular 0.2015
Qatar Cellular 0.2015
Qatar Cellular 0.2015
Qatar Cellular 0.2015
Qatar Cellular-Vodafone 0.2015
Reunion Island 0.1925
Romania 0.0250
Romania Cellular 0.0375
Romania Alternative Networks 0.0600
Romania Fixed-MVNO 0.0700
Romania-Directory Assistant 1.7500
Russia 0.4295
Russia Cellular 0.4925
Russia Cellular-Abkhazia A 0.4925
Russia Cellular-Abkhazia Aquafon 0.4925
Russia Abkhazia 0.4925
Rwanda 0.3451
San Marino 0.7500
San Marino Cellular 0.7500
Sao Tome 1.2180
Saudi Arabia 0.2750
Saudi Arabia Cellular 0.2775
Saudi Arabia Cellular 0.2775
Senegal 0.2050
Senegal Cellular-Expresso 0.4994
Senegal Expresso 0.5009
Serbia 0.1552
Serbia Cellular 0.4657
Serbia Orion Telecom 0.4566
Serbia Orion Telecom 0.4566
Serbia Orion Telecom 0.4566
Seychelles Islands 0.5359
Seychelles Islands Cellular 0.5359
Sierra Leone 0.5633
Singapore 0.0815
Singapore Cellular 0.0815
Singapore Cellular 0.0815
Slovakia 0.0292
Slovakia Cellular 0.1425
Slovenia 0.5944
Slovenia Cellular 0.5966
Slovenia Cellular 0.5966
Slovenia Cellular 0.5966
Slovenia Cellular 0.5966
Slovenia Cellular-IPKO 0.5329
Slovenia Cellular-IPKO 0.5329
Slovenia Cellular-Mobitel 0.5966
Slovenia Cellular-Mobitel 0.5966
Slovenia Cellular-Mobitel 0.5966
Slovenia Cellular-Mobitel 0.5966
Slovenia Alternative Networks A 0.5966
Slovenia Alternative Networks A 0.5966
Somalia 0.7800
South Africa 0.1415
South Africa Cellular-Cell-C 0.2275
South Africa Cellular-Cell-C 0.2275
South Africa Cellular-Cell-C 0.2275
South Africa Cellular-MTN 0.1525
South Africa Cellular-Other 0.1925
South Africa Cellular-Vodacom 0.1770
South Africa Cellular-Vodacom 0.1825
South Africa Cellular-Vodacom 0.1770
South Africa Cellular-Vodacom 0.1825
South Africa Cellular-Vodacom 0.1825
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Africa Value Added Network 0.1525
South Korea 0.0435
South Korea Cellular 0.0563
South Korea Cellular 0.0563
South Sudan 0.3197
South Sudan Cellular 0.3197
Spain 0.2850
Spain Cellular 0.0750
Spain Cellular 0.0750
Spain Cellular-Telefonica 0.0750
Spain Premium 0.2450
Spain Premium 0.2450
Spain Premium 0.2450
Spain Premium-Nomadic Voice 0.3200
Sri Lanka 0.1655
Sri Lanka Cellular 0.1655
St. Helena 2.7405
St. Kitts 0.1583
St. Kitts Cellular 0.2969
St. Kitts Cellular 0.2969
St. Kitts Cellular-Digicel 0.2969
St. Lucia 0.1857
St. Lucia Cellular 0.2969
St. Lucia Cellular 0.2969
St. Lucia Cellular 0.2969
St. Lucia Cellular 0.2969
St. Lucia Cellular 0.2969
St. Lucia Cellular - Digicel 0.2969
St. Martin 0.1492
St. Martin Cellular 0.1523
St. Pierre & Miquelon 0.3045
St. Pierre & Miquelon Cellular 0.6090
St. Vincent 0.3255
St. Vincent Cellular 0.2975
St. Vincent Cellular 0.2969
Sudan 0.1813
Sudan Cellular 0.2285
Sudan Cellular 0.2285
Suriname 0.1827
Suriname Cellular 0.3578
Suriname Cellular 0.3578
Swaziland 0.0952
Swaziland Cellular 0.2517
Swaziland Cellular 0.2517
Sweden 0.0200
Sweden Cellular 0.4350
Sweden Cellular 0.4350
Sweden Cellular 0.4350
Switzerland 0.0275
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Barablu 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Barablu 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Barablu 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Barablu 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Orange 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Orange 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Sunrise 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Sunrise 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom 0.3975
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom Global 0.5800
Switzerland Cellular-Swisscom Global 0.5800
Syria 0.1282
Syria Cellular 0.1903
Taiwan 0.0330
Taiwan Cellular 0.1275
Tajikistan 0.1644
Tajikistan Cellular 0.2625
Tajikistan Cellular 0.2625
Tajikistan Cellular 0.2625
Tajikistan Cellular 0.2625
Tanzania 0.3837
Tanzania Cellular 0.3837
Tanzania Cellular-Celtel 0.3837
Tanzania Zanzibar 0.9135
Thailand 0.0395
Thailand Cellular 0.0395
Thailand Cellular 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thailand Cellular-DTAC 0.0395
Thuraya Satellite 2.2838
Togo 0.4179
Togo Cellular 0.4796
Tokelau 1.8270
Tonga Islands 0.5177
Trinidad 0.1653
Trinidad Cellular 0.3175
Trinidad Cellular 0.3175
Trinidad Cellular 0.3175
Trinidad Cellular-Others 0.3175
Trinidad Cellular-Others 0.3175
Tunisia 0.5715
Turkey 0.0675
Turkey Cellular 0.1945
Turkmenistan 0.1264
Turkmenistan Cellular 0.1271
Turkmenistan Cellular 0.1271
Turkmenistan Cellular 0.1271
Turkmenistan Cellular 0.1271
Turkmenistan Cellular 0.1271
Turkmenistan Cellular 0.1271
Turkmenistan Cellular 0.1271
Turks & Caicos Islands 0.1446
Turks & Caicos Islands Cellular 0.2934
Turks & Caicos Islands Cellular 0.2934
Turks & Caicos Islands Cellular-Digicel 0.2934
Tuvalu 1.4464
US Virgin Islands 0.0209
USA - Premium 0.0104
USA Toll Free 0.0200
USA Toll Free 0.0200
USA Toll Free 0.0200
USA Toll Free 0.0200
USA Toll Free 0.0200
USA Toll Free 0.0200
USA-832 C (ALASKA) 0.0815
USA-834 C (HAWAII) 0.0200
USA 0.0200
Uganda 0.8983
Uganda Cellular-Celtel 0.3989
Uganda Cellular-Gemtel 0.3989
Uganda Cellular-MTN 0.3989
Uganda Cellular-MTN 0.3989
Uganda Cellular-Orange 0.3989
Ukraine 0.3285
Ukraine Cellular 0.3980
United Arab Emirates 0.1925
United Arab Emirates Cellular 0.1925
United Kingdom 0.5300
United Kingdom Cellular 1.4400
United Kingdom Cellular-BT 1.3700
United Kingdom Cellular-H3G 1.0410
United Kingdom Cellular-H3G 1.0410
United Kingdom Cellular-H3G 1.0410
United Kingdom Cellular-H3G 1.0410
United Kingdom Cellular-H3G 1.0410
United Kingdom Cellular-O2 1.4415
United Kingdom Cellular-Personal 2.4350
United Kingdom Premium 15.225
United Kingdom Special Services 3.3578
United Kingdom Lo-Call 1.3045
United Kingdom National-Call 1.4568
United Kingdom-VoIP 2.5000
UK Mobile 1.2400
United Kingdom 03 Wide 1.1952
Uruguay 0.0683
Uruguay Cellular 0.2347
Uruguay Cellular 0.2347
Uzbekistan 0.0784
Uzbekistan Cellular 0.0845
Uzbekistan Tashkent 0.0296
Vanuatu Republic 0.6851
Vatican 12.500
Venezuela 0.0115
Venezuela Cellular 0.0575
Vietnam 0.0950
Vietnam Cellular 0.0950
Vietnam Cellular 0.0950
Wallis & Futuna Islands 1.0049
Western Samoa 0.7080
Western Samoa Cellular 0.7004
Western Samoa Cellular Digicel 0.7004
Western Samoa Cellular Digicel 0.7004
Western Samoa Cellular Digicel 0.7004
Yemen 0.1815
Yemen Cellular 0.1888
Zambia 0.5425
Zambia Cellular 0.5255
Zimbabwe 0.1265
Zimbabwe Cellular-Econet 0.5527
Zimbabwe Cellular-Netone 0.5527
Zimbabwe Cellular-Telecel 0.5527

Frequently Asked Questions SIP Trunk

Questions? We have the answers. Call us on +1.888.2864484 or +852.5808.6888 or +65.3158.6688 if you have other questions about our services.

What currency I will be billed?
  • In USD

Billing Cycle or pulse rate ?
  • We bill in 30 seconds pulse.

    The above rate is in per min, charged in USD.

Channel capacity / concurrent calls?
  • By Default its 9 channels for outgoing calls. This can be increased to unlimited based on the need of yours. Please write to us here in case you want us to increase.

Can I buy only outgoing Trunk
  • Yes you can, here is the direct link to place your order.

    Once order is verified and provisioned you will receive the details via email. Normally takes less than 12 hours to process the order.